Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Pull-up

The Pull-up Problem
Pull-ups are often required during fitness test and tryouts and they can be a tough challenge to overcome. The main reason for this is the pull-up uses several muscle groups that, if you don't work them out on a regular bases, are not normally developed to the degree needed to do pull-ups. Oh, then there is the body weight issue, if you are hauling extra pounds a pull-up will definitely let you know, so getting your body fat % down will help.

Some to the Muscles used:
Lats, Rhomboid, Posterior Delts and Biceps

That is just the main list, other major movers during the exercise include the Upper Trapezius, Teres Minor and Major and more. What is the best way to work these muscles? Pull-ups of course, what else. What if you can't do one pull-up? Then you have to start by mimicking the movement with other exercises. Doing pull-up with a partner helping you is the second best way to get all the muscles moving. Otherwise, you will have to concentrate on upper body exercises that require pulling. Lat Pulls and Rowing movements are necessary to develop the upper back. Biceps are used during those movements, but you will need to put some extra training time on them as well.

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