Sunday, October 19, 2008

"Body Mass Index", does it mean anything for me?

Body Mass Index
what is your
Most everyone has heard of the BMI scale and of it's "weaknesses" as depicted above. However, for most adults it can be a useful tool to determine obesity. Where it falls short is measuring subjects with large amounts of muscle mass or in some high fit individuals and athletes. BMI is used by doctors and the CDC to determine obesity and is widely accepted throughout the world. It is also useful in children and uses age along with height and weight to determine BMI.

The formula for adults aged 20 and over is:
You are looking for a score less than 25. If your score is 25-30 then you may be overweight and 30-39 obese and 40+ you are considered extremely obese. You may be considered underweight, as an adult with a BMI of 18 or less.

Check here for more useful information about BMI: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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