Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bust out of the routine!

Have you been doing the same routine for the past 6 months or longer? If so it is past time to switch things up. The most effective change you can make is in your number of reps and weight used.
Make a Change

If you have been lifting heavy and aiming for 5-10 reps then lifting lighter and aiming for 15-20 reps would be a big change. You will feel it.

  • Adding a different machine or substituting one exercise for another is also a good option. That could mean something simple like changing the handles on the lat pulls or trying a machine that you have never used before.

  • Adding a set can make a big difference. That is the first thing I recommend to more experienced lifters when they come to me. Most people get stuck on the 3 sets, I do 5 and sometime 6 on more compound movements. The only drawback is time, it will increase your workout time, just keep moving.

  • Reorganize your workout. Try supersets or adjust your rest time between sets.

  • Treadmill for eliptical or one of the other cardio machine that you have never tried.

Change is not easy and messing with your routine is a challenge, but it is very necessary. Your body and is an amazing machine and able to adapt, it has to be challenged to improve.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New "Research" on exercise

The Myth about Exercise
is a

Misleading headline

If you get a chance to read this article in Time Magazine please do. I have a real problem with how this information has been presented on the news.

Basically the article states that when people exercise they become hungry and eat more. Furthermore, some people seem more likely to engage in bad eating habits because they exercise. "Well I ran this morning so I can eat these chips", would be a good example. So, it is not that exercise is a myth, but will power can become more of an issue for those who workout. So again it comes down to what you eat more than anything else.

I do agree, as stated in the article, that will power is like a muscle and it becomes tired the more we use it. So it may be better to cheat once in a while just be sure to make it in moderation and make wise choices when you do.