Thursday, October 9, 2008

How do I know if it is safe to start exercising?

That is an important question.
For some people, starting an exercise program is a daunting task, but it can also be dangerous. It is highly recommended that everyone get a physical exam, including blood work, and discuss starting an exercise program with your doctor. It is a good idea to know your cholesterol levels and your blood pressure before you get started.
Some risk to starting a program may include:
  • Individuals with a regular blood pressure reading of 140/90 or higher or taking antihypertensive medication.
  • Total cholesterol of 200 or higher, or LDL of 130 or higher, or a HDL of 40 or less.
  • Current Smoker
  • Family history of Heart Attack, Bypass Surgery or Sudden Death before age 55.
  • Obese with a BMI of 30 or higher.
  • Diabetes
  • Sedentary Lifestyle especially after age 45.

Highest Risk

Individuals with signs/symptoms of Cardiovascular Disease/Pulmonary Disease or known CVD, pulmonary or metabolic disease like diabetes. Subject taking Nitrates, Beta Blockers Calcium Channel Blockers, Alpha Blockers, Vasodilators, Antiarrhythmic Agent and Antihyperlipidemic Agents

Basically everyone needs a check-up once a year. The good news is once you get that done and are able to get started on a fitness program you can start reaping the benefits.

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