Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Supplement Question?

What do I take?

The number one question beginners ask me is what type of supplements do I take or recommend. First, I hesitate to recommend any nutritional supplements. There are a lot of false advertisements out there and the lack of government regulation on product purity and label claims makes it a difficult subject. The Internet is a double edged sword when it comes to trying to research supplements. Some websites may appear to be legit but sometimes turn out to be advertisements in disguise or written by someone who just doesn't know. Magazines like Muscle and Fiction are worse. Think about it, how can you talk honestly about a bogus supplement when they are paying mega bucks to advertise on your back can't.
Of course, ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR before taking supplements and make sure they don't interfere with any prescription medication. Do some research yourself!
With that said, here is what I take and why:

  • Omega 3 fish oil- Highly researched and commonly recommended by doctors. There is even a prescription version of this supplement and I would ask my doctor about it if you have cardiovascular disease or you are at risk. It has been shown to lower blood pressure, regulate and lower high LDL cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease and more than 30 other possible benefits more info here . Look for the coated caps to prevent "fish burps".
  • Multi-Vitamin-Most people don't get all the vitamins and minerals they need from their diets and a good multi is important and basic. If your a male look for multi for men same for women.
  • Extra Vitamin D3-Tons of new research coming out about Vitamin D. The RDA as already been doubled and children and adults older than 50 may require even more. I take an extra 800 iu a day of the D3 type. The benefits may extend far beyond its conection to calcuim including heart health.
  • Glucosamine/Chondroitin -In some trials it has been shown to be more effective in relieving knee pain, long term, then prescribed medication.
  • Antioxidants-I take extra antioxidants including 500 mg of Ester-C, Grapeseed Extract, and ECGC (the antioxidant found in green tea). I believe that they help me recover and fight some of the harsh effects that exercise and the environment can have on your body. This is something you should defiantly research on your own and talk to your doctor about.
  • Creatine and Branch Chain Amino Acids- After I workout I sometimes take these 2 products and again they are some of the most researched products out there. I would not recommend beginners use either one of these products, it is just not necessary. Once you have a base and are working out hard then give them a try. I can say that sometimes I see a bit of difference when I am on them, but I really can't claim much benefit from either.

Over the years I have spent a lot of money on various supplements with no real proof of any benefit. Save your money when it comes to miracle supplements, go to the gym, workout with intensity, eat right and get plenty of rest. We know that works.

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